In our long experience as tour guides, we have seen how difficult it is for families with children to be able to visit a city involving even the little ones. In a walking tour, with an expert guide, it is possible to involve children by taking them through the folds of history, telling anecdotes, stories of characters, legends; the thing is more difficult if you try to do it through a paper guide.

The guides existing on the market are dedicated either only to children or only to adults and sacrifice either the information or the images, to concentrate on the historical-artistic contents to the detriment of the engagement of young visitors, who receive a lot of information without the possibility of immersing themselves into the atmosphere of the city ​​and losing the taste for discovery, experiencing the visit as a boring accumulation of useless information.

For a family with children, it is therefore difficult to enjoy the day and discover the beauties of a place without boring the little ones.

From the experience of teachers we have learned that what attracts and keeps the listener’s attention is the story, especially if it’s rich in details and if the listener or reader can recognize something familiar alongside something mysterious, fascinating, unusual… our idea comes from here, from the intention to make children passionate about discovering the Italian artistic and cultural heritage through storytelling, engaging them in the visit of the city, through imagination and the discovery of a “travel diary”, full of drawings , photographs and other material collected during the tour.

Dear friends,
I could have told you that I found these stories in an ancient manuscript, inside a dusty trunk, in the attic of a mysterious castle… but that’s not the case. The stories you’ll find in this book are born out of fun, for the joy of traveling with my daughters and my husband, asking ourselves “What if…”.
One of our favorite pastimes has always been making up stories: before going to bed, while camping or playing in the pool, using fictional characters, talking animals and funny creatures, in single stories or in episodes, in an endless series. Creating and telling stories is part of our daily life, we always do it, especially on vacation. Our time runs fast, it’s fun, and it makes our journeys memorable.
No special skills are required, just don’t set limits to your imagination. In this book you’ll find what came out from a visit to the city of Verona (which is the city where I was born and where Matilda and Linda’s grandparents still live). Cherish these stories, as they hold all the magic of discovery.
Follow our map, it will help you find the places we explored and, if you wish, you can invent your own new stories.
Have fun!

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